The literary device verse denotes a unmarried line of poetry. The term can also be used to consult a stanza or other components of poetry.
Generally, the device is said to encompass three feasible meanings, particularly a line of metrical writing, a stanza, or a piece written in meter. It is vital to observe right here that the term “verse” is frequently incorrectly used for referring to “poetry” with a view to differentiate it from prose.
Types of Verse
There are usually two forms of verse, specifically loose verse and blank verse.
Free Verse
A unfastened verse poem has no set meter; this is to mention there may be no rhyming scheme present, and the poem doesn’t follow a fixed pattern. For some poets this characteristic serves as a handy tool for the cause of camouflaging their fluctuation of thoughts, while others suppose that it influences the quality of work being presented.
Example #1 Free Verse
After the Sea-Ship (By Walt Whitman)
“After the Sea-Ship—after the whistling winds;
After the white-grey sails, taut to their spars and ropes,
Below, a myriad, myriad waves, hastening, lifting up their necks,
Tending in ceaseless glide closer to the tune of the ship:
Waves of the ocean, effervescent and gurgling, blithely prying,
Waves, undulating waves—liquid, uneven, emulous waves,
Toward that whirling current, laughing and buoyant, with curves,
Where the tremendous Vessel, sailing and tacking, displaced the surface…”
As can be seen from the stanza quoted above, there is an absence of rhyming effect and structure in every verse.
Example #2 Free Verse
Fog (By Carl Sandburg)
“The fog comes
on little cat feet.
It sits looking
over harbor and city
on silent haunches
and then movements on.”
Here, it could be found that there's no form or rhyme scheme present inside the verse.
Blank Verse
There isn't any rhyming impact present in a blank verse poem. However, it has an iambic pentameter. It is usually hired for presenting passionate events, and to create an effect on the reader. Shakespeare was an ardent consumer of blank verse.
Example #1 Blank Verse
Furball Friend (Author Unknown)
“Sweet pet with the aid of day, hunter by using night. She sleeps,
she eats, she plays. My feet, stuck in white paws.
She’s up the fence, watching her prey – a bird.
Poor thing, better run quick, ’purpose watch, she’ll pounce!
She’ll sweetly beg for fuss, however don’t be fooled.
‘Cause one minute she’ll purr and smile, then snap!
She’ll spit and hiss – and oh – surprise! A mouse.
He’s dead. A gift. Retracts her claws. Miaow!
Figure of eight among my legs, seems up
at me and purrs. The sound pulls my heartstrings.
Her big blue eyes like dinner plates – so cute.
Cunning she is, she knows I can’t resist.
Curling up tight, we sleep entwined as one.
Despite her quirks, I could no longer exchange a claw
of her. Cheeky Sammy: my snow-white queen.”
The poem quoted above depicts the usage of clean verse at some stage in. Here, it is essential to notice that there is no rhyming scheme present. Also, it could be visible that there's a presence of iambic pentameter at some stage in the verses.
Short Examples of Verse
The distinction between atmosphere and silence,
When nature speaks, you're silent.
(Blank Verse)
Words limit the silence
Upsetting the peace
Of endless tranquility…
(Blank Verse)
Flower in a far off valley,
Wind contains it away as butterflies flow around.
(Blank Verse)
A deliver sailor
from the West
lands at the land
between the mountains and the seas.
(Blank Verse)
Cold cold,
Winter sticks to the bushes and the seas.
(Free Verse)
Just off the road to city,
Twilight bounds unexpectedly froth at the plants.
(Free Verse)
What idea I’d suppose tonight, for I stroll down the street
Under thick trees with a self-conscious thoughts searching at full moon.
(Free Verse)
The sea is silent to-day,
The tides are excessive, the moon sparks
Upon the curved stairs; at the coast
The mild shines and goes; the cliffs stand,
Gleaming and huge, out on a tranquil shore.
(Free Verse)
A land packed with ice
Covered by way of the arches of sky,
Hurls into eternity.
(Free Verse)
Many stars tonight
And their memory.
Yet how lots room is there for quiet clouds?
(Free Verse)
Forgetfulness is a melody
That frees itself from measure and beat, wanders.
(Free Verse)
Above the ruffles of surf
The solar flickers at the waves,
And the waves bring thunder at the shore.
(Free Verse)
Standing out vibrantly inside the garden
A dream flower blossoms.
(Free Verse)
Beneath the earthly and cosmos sky,
Floral butterfly ascends closer to showers.
(Free Verse)
I entered the woodland for a walk,
I cross by using many bushes with overhead shades
With small beam of mild straining through them.
(Free verse)
Examples of Verse in Literature
Example #1: Fairies and Fusiliers (By Robert Graves)
“I now delight
In spite
Of the might
And the right
Of conventional tradition,
In writing
And reciting
Straight ahead,
Without allow or omission…
Because, I’ve said,
My rhymes no longer shall stand arrayed
No! No!
My rhymes must go
Twinkling, frosty,
Will-o’-the-wisp-like, misty…”
This is an superb instance of a loose verse poem, as it’s unfastened from synthetic expression of poetry. Without any poetic restraints, it gives a natural flow of studying experience.
Example #2: Feelings, Now (By Katherine Foreman)
“Some sort of attraction that is neither
Animal, vegetable, nor mineral, a electricity no longer
Solar, fusion, or magnetic…
And find myself sitting there.”
This is another example of loose verse poetry that doesn't follow any rules, nor any rhyme scheme. However, it still offers an inventive and innovative expression.
Example #3: Thanatopsis (By William Cullen Bryant)
“To him who within the love of Nature holds
A diverse language; for his gayer hours
She has a voice of gladness, and a smile…”
The above referred to poem provides an example of clean verse that provides cadence and a diffused rhythm, mimicking the sample of the language that is audible in nature.
Example #4: Bright star, could I were stedfast as thou art (By John Keats)
“Bright star, would I had been stedfast as thou art—
Not in lone splendour hung aloft the night
And looking, with everlasting lids apart,
Like nature’s patient, sleepless Eremite,…”
This is an example of a rhymed verse poem that has used an ABAB rhyme scheme, which means that the first and third, and the second and fourth traces rhyme with one another.
Example #five Daffodils (By William Wordsworth)
“I wandered lonely as a cloud
That floats on excessive o’er vales and hills,
When suddenly I saw a crowd,
A host, of golden daffodils;
Beside the lake, beneath the bushes,
Fluttering and dancing inside the breeze.”
The above quoted stanza from William Wordsworth’s poem Daffodils provides to the reader various examples of verse. It may be referred to right here that using the device of verse provides a scenic detail to the structure of poetry.
Function of Verse
The use of verse in a piece of writing has a pleasant effect at the reader’s thoughts. It is typically hired in poetry writing. The poets make use of the tool of verse so that it will offer their poetry with a desired shape. It serves as an avenue through which writers venture their thoughts within the form of a composition having rhyme, rhythm, and deeper meanings. The tool provides the author with a framework for poetry writing.
Popular Literary Devices
- Ad Hominem
- Adage
- Allegory
- Alliteration
- Allusion
- Ambiguity
- Anachronism
- Anagram
- Analogy
- Anapest
- Anaphora
- Anecdote
- Antagonist
- Antecedent
- Antimetabole
- Antithesis
- Aphorism
- Aposiopesis
- Apostrophe
- Archaism
- Archetype
- Argument
- Assonance
- Biography
- Cacophony
- Cadence
- Caricature
- Catharsis
- Characterization
- Cliché
- Climax
- Colloquialism
- Comparison
- Conflict
- Connotation
- Consonance
- Denotation
- Deus Ex Machina
- Dialect
- Dialogue
- Diction
- Didacticism
- Discourse
- Doppelganger
- Double Entendre
- Ellipsis
- Epiphany
- Epitaph
- Essay
- Ethos
- Eulogy
- Euphemism
- Evidence
- Exposition
- Fable
- Fallacy
- Flash Forward
- Foil
- Foreshadowing
- Genre
- Haiku
- Half Rhyme
- Hubris
- Hyperbaton
- Hyperbole
- Idiom
- Imagery
- Induction
- Inference
- Innuendo
- Internal Rhyme
- Irony
- Jargon
- Juxtaposition
- Limerick
- Line Break
- Logos
- Meiosis
- Memoir
- Metaphor
- Meter
- Mood
- Motif
- Narrative
- Nemesis
- Non Sequitur
- Ode
- Onomatopoeia
- Oxymoron
- Palindrome
- Parable
- Paradox
- Parallelism
- Parataxis
- Parody
- Pathetic Fallacy
- Pathos
- Pentameter
- Persona
- Personification
- Plot
- Poem
- Poetic Justice
- Point of View
- Portmanteau
- Propaganda
- Prose
- Protagonist
- Pun
- Red Herring
- Repetition
- Rhetoric
- Rhyme
- Rhythm
- Sarcasm
- Satire
- Simile
- Soliloquy
- Sonnet
- Style
- Superlative
- Syllogism
- Symbolism
- Synecdoche
- Synesthesia
- Syntax
- Tautology
- Theme
- Thesis
- Tone
- Tragedy
- Tragicomedy
- Tragic Flaw
- Transition
- Utopia
- Verisimilitude