
Definition of Eulogy
Known as homily, the term eulogy originates from the Greek phrase eulogia, which means “to praise” someone or something. A eulogy is a literary device that is a laudatory expression in a speech, or a written tribute to someone recently deceased. We can say, it is a commendation or excessive praise supposed to present honor, normally to a lifeless family member or cherished one, or it's far a tribute given to a useless individual at his or her funeral.

Eulogies also are paid as tributes to residing persons; for instance, you can devote it to his retired colleagues, bosses, or personnel for triumphing decent role and noble deeds. Hence, in general, it's miles a gesture of honoring any individual.

Difference Between Eulogy, Elegy and Obituary
These three phrases are frequently confused due in their meanings. A eulogy and an elegy are similar due to the fact both are written for the dead. An elegy is a tune or a poem with a lamenting tone that expresses lack of a family member or a loved one. A eulogy, via contrast, is a speech or written tribute to the deceased, or possibly to a dwelling man or woman, and it isn't necessarily in the shape of a poem. However, an obituary is a totally different time period than eulogy and elegy, as it is a posted biography meant to recount the life of someone who lately died.

Examples of Eulogy in Literature
Example #1: On Mr. Wm. Shakespeare, he died in April 1616 (By William Basse)
“Renowned Spenser, lie a notion extra nigh
To discovered Chaucer, and uncommon Beaumont lie
A little closer Spenser to make room
For Shakespeare for your threefold, fourfold tomb.
Betwixt these days and that by fate be slain…
Sleep uncommon tragedian Shakespeare, sleep alone,
That unto us and others it could be
Honor hereafter to be laid by using thee.”

Basse has dedicated this eulogy to William Shakespeare 25 years after his demise. He indicates that his grave have to have been next to Spenser, Chaucer, and Beaumont in Westminster Abbey.

Example #2: After Thought (By William Wordsworth)
“I thought of Thee, my associate and my guide,
As being beyond away.—Vain sympathies! …

Still glides the Stream, and shall for ever glide;
The Form remains, the Function never dies;
While we, the brave, the mighty, and the wise,
We Men, who in our morn of teens defied
The factors, ought to vanish;—be it so! …”
Through love, through hope, and faith’s transcendent dower,
We experience that we are extra than we know.”

Wordsworth has written this eulogy in honor of his close friend. The speaker is recalling his deceased friend’s memories in that, even though he is bodily no extra with him, his noble deeds will by no means die.

Example #3: O Captain, O Captain (By Walt Whitman)
“O Captain! My Captain! Our fearful experience is carried out,
The deliver has weather’d every rack, the prize we sought is won,
The port is near, the bells I hear, the humans all exulting,
While follow eyes the regular keel, the vessel grim and daring;
But O heart! Heart! Heart! …”

In this poem, Whitman can pay tribute to American president Abraham Lincoln, whom many Americans understand as a hero. The speaker calls him a captain, after which calls “expensive father!” He can pay excessive regards to his captain for making the undertaking successful, and for the offerings he has accomplished for his country:

“From fearful experience, the victor ship, comes in with object won.”

Example #4: A Farewell (By­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­ Alfred Lord Tennyson)
“A thousand suns will stream on thee
A thousand moons will quiver;
But not via thee my steps shall be
Forever and forever.”

Alfred Lord Tennyson’s poem A Farewell is also a eulogy wherein the poet himself says goodbye to nature. He describes this reality beautifully, that death is inevitable and no person can break out it. He says good-bye to trees, seas, and rivers and to other factors of nature because he will die and will be forgotten, except his properly deeds. But nature will remain the identical forever.

Function of Eulogy
Eulogies are written or spoken memorials that help bear in mind satisfied and top recollections of useless loved ones. In literary works, eulogies can make the deceased appear extra actual and accurate to all those human beings who've now not visible or recognised them. Many writers and poets have written eulogies inside the honor of famous literary figures. Another feature of eulogy is to maintain the recollections of lifeless ones alive. As we have found out from the above-referred to examples, the character of a eulogy is optimistic, it's miles intended to reinforce the morale of the depressed family.
Ethos Euphemism