
Definition of Sentence
Etymologically, the term sentence has its foundation in a Latin phrase “sententia,” which interprets as “feeling,” or “opinion.” In language, a sentence is the biggest grammatically independent unit, having a subject and a verb, and expressing a whole idea or an concept.

In English, a sentence begins with a capital letter, and ends with a punctuation mark, consisting of a length, an exclamation mark, or a question mark. It ought to be a totally easy sentence, with only a topic and a predicate; or a complex one with a set of clauses, phrases, or phrases, which shape a syntactic unit, expressing a wish, a query, an emotion, a command, an assertion, a performance or an action.

For instance:

“Our financial system is wrongly weakened, a result of greed and irresponsibility on the part of some, however also our collective failure to make difficult choices and prepare the nation for a new age.” (Inaugural Address, by President Barack Obama, 2009).

This is an instance of a complex sentence. It expresses a entire concept about financial system.

Types of Sentence
Depending upon the shape and functions, a sentence is of different types. These include:

Declarative Sentence
Declarative sentence makes use of a simple statement rather than an exclamation, a question, or a command. In this type of sentence, the situation comes before the verb, and a length comes at the quit. It is one of the most usually used sentences in various kinds of writing. It may be a nice or poor statement in special shapes. For example, “We have meat stored inside the refrigerator because it's far particularly warm outside,” is a easy declarative sentence.

Interrogative Sentence
This form of a sentence makes use of an interrogation or a query. Hence, it ends with an interrogation mark. This sentence uses inversion, that is a reversal of the phrase order, where challenge comes after the verb. For instance, “Have you taken your breakfast this morning?”

Imperative Sentence
An imperative sentence offers commands or advice, or expresses a command or request. It starts offevolved with the basic form of a verb and ends with an exclamation mark or a period including, “Give me liberty or deliver me death!”

Exclamatory Sentence
In an exclamatory sentence, the main clause expresses strong emotions or feelings, with an exclamation mark, also referred to as an “exclamation point,” at the stop. These sentences mostly seem in dialogues, being less common in instructional writing. For example, “Whoa, it’s alive! It’s alive!”

Examples of Sentences in Literature
Example #1: Richard IV (by means of William Shakespeare)
“But to mention I know more damage in him than in myself,
were to mention extra than I know. That he is old, the
greater the pity, his white hairs do witness it; but
that he is, saving your reverence, a whoremaster,
that I absolutely deny.”

This excerpt is an example of a declarative but complicated sentence, as you could see Shakespeare has used simple statements. There are two complicated declarative sentences. The first one begins with “But,” and the second (in the 2nd line) starts offevolved with “That.”

Example #2: Notes From a Small Island (via Bill Bryson)
“Am I alone in questioning it ordinary that a human beings ingenious enough to invent paper, gunpowder, kites, and any variety of other useful objects, and who've a noble history extending back three thousand years, haven’t yet labored out that a couple of knitting needles is no manner to capture food?”

The above strains are a good example of an interrogative sentence in which the author has reversed the everyday phrase order, and used a question mark at the cease of the sentence.

Example #3: Self-Reliance (through Ralph Waldo Emerson)
“A silly consistency is the hobgoblin of little minds, adored with the aid of little statesmen and philosophers and divines … Speak what you think now in tough words, and the next day communicate what the following day thinks in difficult words again, although it contradict the whole thing you said today.”

These italic strains present an example of an imperative sentence. Emerson begins this sentence with instructions, and ends with a chunk of advice.

Example #4: Shrek 2 (with the aid of William Steig)
“Shrek: Now, let’s go earlier than they light the torches!
Princess Fiona: Hey, they’re my parents!
Shrek: Hello, they locked you in a tower!”

This is an ideal instance of exclamatory sentences, in which readers can see the characters the usage of expressive language, marked by using exclamation marks at the stop of each sentence.

As the biggest unit in writing, the sentence is comprised of numerous phrases, phrases, and clauses. It organizes a sample of notion, conveys meanings; and contains characteristics, which include timing styles and intonation. In both writing and speaking, the cause of a sentence is to make statements, asks questions, make demands, and display sturdy feelings. It is a entire announcement, having a subject and a predicate. Sentences have a completely critical function, that's to deliver the message within the same way it's miles meant to be conveyed.
Semicolon Simple Sentence