
Definition of Paronomasia
Paronomasia is a rhetorical device that can be described as a word intentionally used to exploit the confusion among words having similar sounds however specific meanings. It is like a word play, and is also known as a “pun.”

Types of Paronomasia
There are styles of paronomasia:

Typographic Paronomasia
Typographic paronomasia is further categorized into 5 categories:

Homophonic – The use of phrases that sound the identical, however have special meanings, such as “Pour out corruption’s slag from each pore.”
Homographic – Words which can be spelled the equal, however have one of a kind meanings, such as “David doesn’t feel well today,” and “My uncle is digging a new nicely.”
Homonymic – These words consist of each homographs and homophones.
Compound – These include two or greater puns in a sentence.
Recursive – In these, the second a part of a pun relies upon upon the that means of the first.
Visual Paronomasia
These are without a doubt puns and utilized in non-phonetic texts. Visual paronomasia includes the “four Pics 1 Word” phrase game, where players are supposed to appearance at 4 pics and wager the phrase that they have got in common.

Examples of Paronomasia in Literature
Paronomasia underscores the information of writers and their characters. From Jesus Christ to Shakespeare, examples of paronomasia had been crafted to create rhetorical effect.

Example #1: Richard III (By William Shakespeare)
Launce: “It is no be counted if the tied had been lost; for it's far the unkindest tied that ever any man tied.”
Richard: “Now is the wintry weather of our discontent … made glorious summer by using this Son of York.”

William Shakespeare is probably the maximum famend punster in literature. Here the phrase “tied” is used three times as homophonic paronomasia, giving unique meanings in 3 specific places. Similarly, the word “son” is King Edward IV, no longer the weather of York.

Example #2: A Hymn to God the Father (By John Donne)
“When Thou hast executed, Thou hast now not completed for I even have more.
That at my death Thy Son
Shall shine as he shines now, and heretofore
And having executed that, Thou hast executed;
I fear no more.”

In the above excerpt, John Donne has rhymed his name with “executed,” and his wife’s name Anne More with “more.” The words are underlined. This is an instance of homophonic paronomasia.

Example #3: Romeo and Juliet (By William Shakespeare)
Mercutio: “Nay, gentle Romeo, we need to have you dance.”

Romeo: “Not I, believe me. You have dancing footwear with nimble soles; I have a soul of lead … So stakes me to the floor I cannot move…”

This extract is again an instance of homophonic paronomasia. Shakespeare has exploited the words “sole” and “soul.” Both sound the same, although they have distinctive meanings, growing comedian effect.

Example #4: Great Expectations (By Charles Dickens)
“Tickler turned into a wax-ended piece of cane, worn smooth via collision with my tickled frame.”

Here, Dickens plays on the word “tickle.” This word is maneuvered in such a way that it gives two extraordinary meanings and comic effect.

Example #5: Ulysses (By James Joyce)
“If you spot kay
Tell him he may
See you in tea
Tell him from me –”

Joyce has protected this short poem with paronomasia phrases in it. Here, the word “see” is used with the identical spelling however exceptional meanings. It is developing humor while spelled out.

Example #6: Hamlet (By William Shakespeare)
Claudius:”…But now, my cousin Hamlet, and my son.”
Hamlet: [aside] “A little more than kin, and less than kind … Not so, my lord, I am too much in the sun.”

Here, Hamlet is distressed that his mother married his uncle, which isn't allowed in Christianity. The phrase “kind” is used as a short shape of kindred. Shakespeare plays with the which means of this word “kind.”

Function of Paronomasia
Paronomasia gives thoughtful meanings to literary texts, aside from providing humorous and witty comments. Through paronomasia, writers display the shrewdness of characters, and their very own ingenuity through gambling with the words. Besides, in literary works, paronomasia capabilities as a useful efforts to provide a supply of comedian relief, and to show their inventive ability. Being a source of fun, paronomasia is utilized in comedy theaters, and jokes supply humorous meanings to perplexing stories. Also, it is found in limerick sorts of poetry.
Parody Parrhesia