
Definition of Homograph
The word homograph originated from the Greek phrase “homos,” which way “the equal,” and graph, which manner “to write,” and it's miles used significantly in language. It can be defined as words which are used in any such way as to give or extra one-of-a-kind meanings, where the words have the equal spelling, but exclusive meanings, and from time to time unique pronunciations as well.

For instance, the word “bear” (verb) approach “to endure,” and “bear” (noun) is the name of an animal. This can be taken into consideration one instance of homograph. This literary device is one in all the varieties of pun (paronomasia).

Similarity with Homonym
Homonym is a larger category of which homographs are a part. All homograph examples are also identified as homonym examples, because a homograph is a specific term, however a homonym is a generalized term. Homographs are words with exclusive meanings but the equal spelling, which include tire (fatigue), and tire (wheel tire).

Difference Between Homograph and Homophone
The simple difference among homophone and homograph is that homographs are phrases which have the equal spelling, such as “He is my close relative,” and “Please near the door.” Homophones, on the other hand, are words that sound the equal and are spelled differently, including “That speech turned into read,” and “That dress changed into red.”

Examples of Homograph in Literature
Example #1: Great Expectations (By Charles Dickens)
“They seemed to assume the opportunity lost, if they didn't factor the conversation to me, every now and then, and stick the factor into me”

Here, on this excerpt, both words in bold are same in spelling, but they have extraordinary meanings. The first “point” way direction, and second “point” manner the idea.

Example #2: When Words Don’t Fit – A Multiple Meaning Words Poem (By ­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­Unknown)
“I have one of these fit (tantrum)
When these phrases don’t fit (match)!
Like when during the spring (season)
All the deer soar and spring (bounce),
And the lions feel they might (perhaps)
Want to expose I have this sort of fit (tantrum)
When those phrases don’t fit (match)!
Like when at some point of the spring (season)
All the deer bounce and spring (bounce),
And the lions experience they their electricity and might (power),
When the monkeys swing (sway)
From a vine like a swing(hanging seat),
And the roar of the bear (animal)
Is too loud for me to bear (endure),
And I can’t try to pet (stroke)
One, given that it’s now not a pet (domesticated animal)!
I’m no longer trying to be mean (cruel),
But what do those phrases mean (imply)?”

This poem is probably the excellent piece to use if you are teaching Homographs 101, because the phrases used are very familiar. Using context clues, the meanings (enclosed in parentheses) of the homographs are smooth to decipher.

Example #3: Lolita (By Vladimir Nabokov)
Vladimir Nabokov has used multilingual and particular homographs in his novel Lolita. For instance, a character’s name, “Humbert,” is used as a pun in different languages. In Spanish, its meaning is “man,” and in French its meaning is “shadow.” Similarly, the name of the character “Lolita” is modified to “Dolores.” In Latin its that means is “pain,” and the which means of her nickname “Dolly” is a toy in English.

Example #4: A Hymn to God the Father (By John Donne)
“When Thou hast achieved, Thou hast not performed for I have greater.
That at my death Thy Son
Shall shine as he shines now, and heretofore
And having completed that, Thou hast completed;
I worry no more…”

Donne has played on both his and his wife’s closing names, “Donne,” and “More,” with the words “executed” and “greater.” These are homographs that have the identical pronunciations. Donne has used it for wry effect.

Example #5: Much Ado About Nothing (By William Shakespeare)
“The remember is neither sad, nor sick,
nor merry, nor well: but civil, count; civil as an
orange, and some thing of that jealous complexion…”

Here, Beatrice is mocking Claudio, announcing he is “civil” like a bitter orange, which describes the bitter feelings of Claudio. This is a pun on the call “Seville,” which is suggested as “ci-VIL,” and is the place from where those oranges had come.

Function of Homograph
Homographs are used as a word play to create funny and comedian consequences in literary writings, in theater, and in limerick shape of poetry. Frequently, in literary works, these make readers think and laugh, and growth the clarity of text through playing with particular phrases. Generally, it's far carried out voluntarily to create humor and wryness. It also will increase the vocabulary of readers by means of introducing secondary or multiple meanings of the terms.
Homily Homophone