
Definition of Antanaclasis
Antanaclasis is a rhetorical tool in which a phrase or word is repeatedly used, although the meaning of the word adjustments in every case. It is the repetition of a similar word in a sentence with special meanings, or a phrase is repeated in or extra exclusive senses. Many of Shakespeare’s literary pieces incorporate examples of antanaclasis. Like in these lines, “Put out the light, then put out the light…” (Othello). The first that means is that Othello might extinguish the candle, and in the 2nd reference its which means is that he might quit Desdemona’s life.

Difference Between Epizeuxis and Antanaclasis
There is a slight distinction between epizeuxis and antanaclasis, even though both suggest the repetition of phrases. In epizeuxis, the phrases or phrases are repeated in a succession inside the identical sentence or line. Such as on this passage, “Alone, alone, all all alone, /Alone on a huge, wide sea…”(The Rime of the Ancient Mariner, with the aid of Samuel Coleridge).

The words or terms are repeated in a sentence or passage with extraordinary meanings. Such as, “I will dissemble myself in’t; and I could I have been the first that ever dissembled in the sort of gown.” (Twelfth Night, by way of William Shakespeare). In this case, the first that means of dissemble is disguised, and the second one which means is to behave hypocritically.

Examples of Antanaclasis in Literature
Example #1: Twelfth Night (By William Shakespeare)
Viola: “Save thee, friend, and thy music! Dost thou live via thy tabour?”
Clown: “No, sir, I live by using the church.”
Viola: “Art thou a churchman?”
Clown: “No such matter, sir: I do stay by way of the church; for I do live at my house, and my house doth stand by using the church.”

In this example, the word “live” is repeatedly used. Viola is Cesario in disguise, and conversing with Feste (Fool). In the first sentence, it approach that he makes his living by means of playing the drum, and in the later lines it method he lives near the church.

Example #2: Walter Savage Landor (By Walter Savage Landor)
“Death, tho I see him not, is close to
And grudges me my 80th year.
Now I would deliver him all these ultimate
For one which fifty have run past.
Ah! He strikes all things, all alike,
But bargains: those he will no longer strike…”

Landor has used, inside the very last traces of the poem, the word “strike,” with contrasting meanings. In the primary instance, it way killing every body and everything, while inside the 2d reference it approach the opposite.

Example #3: Stopping By Woods on Snowy Evening (By Robert Frost)
“The woods are lovely, dark, and deep,
But I have guarantees to keep,
And miles to go earlier than I sleep,
And miles to go before I sleep.”

Here, the poet uses antanaclasis within the final traces of the poem. The first use of the word “sleep” method nocturnal rest, and within the final line it has the which means of death. This device is supporting to attract the readers’ attention.

Example #4: Henry V (By William Shakespeare)

“And tell the high-quality prince this mock of his
Hath turned his balls to gun-stones, and his soul
Shall stand sore chargèd for the wasteful vengeance
That shall fly with them; for many one thousand widows
Shall this his mock mock out in their pricey husbands,
Mock mothers from their sons, mock castles down,
And a few are yet ungotten and unborn
That shall have reason to curse the Dauphin’s scorn…”

Henry V, as you can see inside the above excerpt, is considered one of Shakespeare’s works which incorporates examples of antanaclasis. The word “mock,” time and again used in this excerpt, has meanings – “to cheat,” and “to taunt.”

Function of Antanaclasis
Antanaclasis helps in giving an exciting contrast with special meanings of the identical phrase. It complements the dramatic and persuasive impact of a chunk of writing or speech. Antanaclasis creates comic impact whilst used in the form of irony and pun. Apart from that, it makes the literary textual content memorable because of repetition. It is used as a rhetorical device in poetry, prose, and political speeches. Political leaders employ this method in order to steer and draw the eye of their audiences.
Antagonist Antecedent